Corporate Energy Management System-Enesense [CEMS-Enesense]
Enesense is available for all corresponding components to provide you reliable corporate and community based applications.
Corporate EMS
CEMS Management Portal
Past Incidents
Oct 16
Unexpected Gateway Disconnection for UME
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers. Oct 18, 17:07 UTC+8
Identified - The issue has been identified that OTA database reached its connection limit, causing a gateway disconnection problem at 11:48. The problem is resolved after the OTA database automatically restarted at 11:55 on Oct 16. Oct 17, 10:24 UTC+8
Investigating - The customer reported at 16:40 that multiple gateways were disconnected at 10:00. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update. Oct 16, 16:40 UTC+8
Sep 18
Cassandra Database Access Permission Issue
Recovery - data supplement - we have written back the data that was lost during the problem period by 22:11 UTC+8 on Sep 18. Sep 18, 22:11 UTC+8
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers. Sep 18, 13:58 UTC+8
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by Sep 18. Sep 18, 13:35 UTC+8
Investigating - We have identified a problem with Cassandra database access permission issue, which prevented us from reading and writing data from database. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 18:00 UTC+8 on Sep 18. Sep 18, 13:33 UTC+8
Jul 17
Abnormal Gateway Connection Status
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers. Jul 17, 18:29 UTC+8
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by Jul 17. Jul 17, 16:10 UTC+8
Investigating - We have identified a problem with abnormal gateway connection status. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 18:00 UTC+8 on Nov 7. Jul 17, 15:10 UTC+8
Apr 18
Unexpected Websocket Disconnection and Abnormal Database Writing
Recovery - data supplement - we have written back the data that was lost during the problem period by 15:07 UTC+8 on Apr 22. Apr 22, 15:07 UTC+8
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production by Apr 18 - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers. Apr 18, 09:50 UTC+8
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by Apr 18. Apr 18, 08:29 UTC+8
Investigating - We have identified a problem with unexpected websocket disconnection between gateway to IOEP and abnormal database writting of S3. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 18:00 UTC+8 on Apr 18. Apr 18, 08:12 UTC+8
Mar 31
Unexpected Gateway Disconnection for UME
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers. Mar 31, 14:45 UTC+8
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by Mar 31. Mar 31, 13:00 UTC+8
Investigating - We have identified a problem with Gateway connection, which cannot communicate with the cloud IOEP server. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 18:00 UTC+8 on Mar 31. Mar 31, 12:42 UTC+8
Jan 30
Unexpected Extra Network Traffic of Iwatani Single Tenant
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers. Jan 30, 18:28 UTC+8
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by Jan 30, 19:00 UTC+8. Jan 30, 18:00 UTC+8
Investigating - We have identified a problem with OTA server, which make customer’s gateway keep downloading firmware, causing an increase in network traffic. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 18:00 UTC+8 on Jan 30. Jan 30, 17:42 UTC+8
Nov 7
Unexpected Gateway Disconnection
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers. Nov 9, 13:07 UTC+8
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by Nov 9. Nov 7, 18:00 UTC+8
Investigating - We have identified a problem with Gateway connection, which cannot communicate with the cloud IOEP server. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 18:00 UTC+8 on Nov 7. Nov 7, 13:45 UTC+8
Oct 5
Unexpected Extra Downtime While Upgrading EKS Version From v1.23 to v1.24
Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers. Oct 6, 04:30 UTC+8
Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by 03:30 UTC+8. Oct 6, 03:30 UTC+8
Investigating - We have identified a problem with Istio ingress controller pods, which make EKS cannot correctly receive data after upgrading. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 8:00 AM UTC+8 on Oct 6. Oct 5, 23:30 UTC+8
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