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Current System Status

Welcome to NextDrive's status page

Internet of Energy Platform


IOEP is available for all corresponding components to provide you reliable device connectivity and API access.

  • IoE SuiteDeveloper

  • Cloud application

  • Cloud infra

  • IOEn Connect(Setup APP)

  • GW and Device Connectivity

Home Energy Management System


HEMP is available for all corresponding components to provide you reliable home based applications.

  • Ecogenie+ Series APP

  • IoE SuiteEcogenie+(PPA、J-credit、ZEH、DER)

Corporate Energy Management System


CEMS is available for all corresponding components to provide you reliable corporate and community based applications.

  • Corporate EMS

  • CEMS Management Portal

Past Incidents

2024 Jan

2023 Dec

2023 Nov

Unexpected Gateway Disconnection to IOEP

Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers.
Nov 9, 13:07 UTC+8

Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by Nov 9.
Nov 7, 18:00 UTC+8

Investigating - We have identified a problem with Gateway connection, which cannot communicate with the cloud IOEP server. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 18:00 UTC+8 on Nov 7.
Nov 7, 13:45 UTC+8

2023 Oct 5

Unexpected Extra Downtime While Upgrading EKS Version From v1.23 to v1.24

Monitoring - A fix has been implemented and is rolled out to production - we are currently monitoring and verifying with impacted customers.
Oct 6, 04:30 UTC+8

Identified - The issue has been identified and a fix is ongoing. This fix is currently soaking and will be fully deployed to production by 03:30 UTC+8.
Oct 6, 03:30 UTC+8

Investigating - We have identified a problem with Istio ingress controller pods, which make EKS cannot correctly receive data after upgrading. We are investigating the root cause and will provide another update before 8:00 AM UTC+8 on Oct 6.
Oct 5, 23:30 UTC+8

2023 Sep

2023 Aug

Contact Us

NextDrive is doing our best to keep all cloud product safe and secure. We also appreciate any helpful info to improve our work. If you know any security information that needs NextDrive’s concern, please contact us directly. Furthermore, if you have integrated NextDrive’s product in your work and need further security help, please reach us without hesitation!

Contact NextDrive

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